RVCT 3.0 Released

If you've been paying close attention to the grapevine, you will have noticed that today ARM has announced the release of an upgrade to the RVCT toolchain for BREW. For those who aren't aware, RVCT gives BREW developers access to a version of their ARM compiler, linker and associated tools which can be used for creating applications optimised for running on device.

If you looked closely at the announcement you would have seen that we got a mention. Airsource has had an early opportunity to test out RVCT 3.0 and evaluate the performance and features being offered. It's fair to say we were pretty impressed - it's a much-needed upgrade and ARM has definitely got the edge over GCC when it comes to performance and size.

We'll be offering more details on some of the results we discovered and some analysis of the new features in RVCT 3.0 in our talk at BREW 2007 on Friday in Randle A at 13:45. After our presentation we'll try to get some more details up here.

Nick Clarey

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